The Oliver Creek young adult ministry is a place where college students, grad students, and young professionals—both single and married—are welcome.

Get to know us!

Study the Bible with us!

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Young adult leadership.
Logan grew up all the way in Wisconsin and through his experience of being raised in a small church has felt pulled to ministry since he was a boy. He attended Harding University and, while at Harding, met his wife, Suzanna, during a study abroad semester in Greece! After getting married in 2017, they moved to Memphis where Logan began a Master of Divinity degree at Harding School of Theology and Suzanna began her work as an elementary school teacher. At the same time, Logan began working as an apprentice at Oliver Creek where he helped start and lead a young adult ministry. He graduated from HST in 2021 and also came on full-time at Oliver Creek as the associate minister. We are so excited about all the Hollinsaid’s are leading and helping with as our Church continues to grow!
Upcoming events.
It all begins here! Whether it’s grabbing some coffee, playing some pickle ball, joining us for a young adult devotional, or coming and being a part of our worship together, we’d love to meet you! Check out our calendar for what’s coming up soon!