Supporting the Church around the globe!
At Oliver Creek, we believe one of our greatest callings is to bless the world!
Get to know more about the mission works and church planters currently partnering with us.

Hope Works
HopeWorks helps people in Memphis and the Mid-South find meaningful employment through three main programs: adult education, employment services, and holistic reentry.
HopeWorks, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that seeks to serve the under-resourced through outreach programs that develop individual worth, encourage personal responsibility and promote the honor and value of work. By implementing a holistic approach through daily classes and meals, educational training and spiritual counseling, HopeWorks strives to break the cycle of crime, addiction and generational poverty that traps so many in our city. For more information, visit the HopeWorks website.

Paragould Children’s Home
Providing help, hope, and a home to children and families since 1955.
Based in Paragould, Ark., Children's Homes, Inc. has provided help, hope and home to children and families since 1955. The Paragould Children's Home is a faith-based, Christ-centered organization specializing in residential education care, foster care and adoptive care. For more information visit the Children's Homes, Inc. website.

Ukraine Missions
Oliver Creek is excited to support four different missionaries living throughout the Ukraine.
From preaching schools in Donetz, church planting in Artemovsk, or supporting preachers in Chacov Ayr and throughout the rest of the region, we are so excited about the work of the Church in the Ukraine. We are prayerful about the continuing efforts of all the missionaries there.

Greece Missions
Spreading the Gospel in Greece.
We are so blessed to be working with the efforts of the church in Greece and are especially thankful for the work of Peter Ozah and how God is working through the church there. We continue to be prayerful for them, and are so excited to see all the good things happening throughout Greece.

Argentina Missions
South America missions.
One of our newest mission efforts is in Buenos Aires Argentina! We are so excited about all that God is doing in Argentina and through the work or Andres Gonzalez and his family! We can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future and are thnakful to be a art of it.

African Missions
Africa missions.
We are thrilled to be involved in the mission of expanding the gospel in Africa. Partnering with local evangelists and churches in Nigeria, we sponsor works that involve neighborhood evangelism, open air gospel campaigns in regions where the church does not exist, and church planting and growth throughout Africa. Our goal to see these churches flourish and mature, and plant other churches in Africa, is motivated by activities like prison ministry, blessing communities with food and medical supplies, and other community services while telling them about Jesus.

Missionary Application
Please fill out this form as an initial request to be sent out as a missionary by the Oliver Creek Church of Christ.