Study Tools
Take some time and go to the source!
God wants a personal relationship with you. The more you know Him, the better life can be.
The best way to connect with God is to pray and read the Bible every day.
14 Day Devotional
Revive, strengthen or start your prayer life with this two week plan written by our staff.
The Power of Prayer
A five day Bible reading plan by our youth minister Seth Turner.
Youversion Bible
A simple, ad-free Bible, available online and app. Pick a reading plan, find commentaries or get a verse of the day in the translation and language you prefer.
The Bible Project
To help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.
Multiply is a simple, free resource that you can use to begin making disciples. Start stepping out in faith and teach others to do the same.
Daily Prayer
Daily prayer is a beautiful, ad free, experiential app designed to develop long lasting spiritual rhythms of prayer and scripture reading.