Our Leadership

Ministry Staff


Greg York - Lead Minister

Greg and Michelle came to Oliver Creek in the summer of 2023. Michelle actually grew up in Memphis, so this is something of a homecoming for her. While Greg has not worked at that many churches in his ministry career (just three including OC), he's been in several positions at those places over the years: associate minister, campus minister, preaching minister. There were even a few years when he taught high school Bible at a Christian school. He has degrees from Harding University, Harding School of Theology, and Abilene Christian University. Greg and Michelle have three sons, one daughter-in-law, and two incredible grandchildren. 


Logan Hollinsaid - Associate Minister

Logan, through his experience of being raised in a small church has felt pulled to ministry since he was a boy. He attended Harding University and, while at Harding, met his wife, Suzanna, during a study abroad semester in Greece! After getting married in 2017, they moved to Memphis where Logan began a Master of Divinity degree at Harding School of Theology. At the same time, Logan began working as an apprentice at Oliver Creek where he helped start and lead a young adult ministry. He graduated from HST in 2021 and also came on full-time at Oliver Creek as the associate minister!


Seth & Jenna Turner - Youth Minister

Seth & Jenna Turner joined us full-time in August of 2021 after 4 years of ministry in Huntingdon, Tennessee! Seth, originally from here in Memphis, and Jenna from Savannah, Tennessee both attended Freed-Hardeman University and were married in May of 2018. In February of 2020 they welcomed their son, Ellis, into the family! We believe God is at work in our youth and we are excited about our bright future together.


Our Shepherds


Rick Swaim

In 2000 Rick and his family moved to the Memphis area and began worshipping with the Brownsville Road Church of Christ where he also served as a deacon. In 2007 Brownsville Road and Twins Oaks merged to form Oliver Creek where he and his family have been worshiping since. In 2010 Rick began serving as a shepherd and holds that role today. He has been happily married to his wife, Amy, for 30 years and has two wonderful children, Riley and Maggie. We are so thankful for Rick’s heart, compassion, and love for our Church family.


Joe McDaniel

Joe McDaniel graduated in 1975 with a degree in Bible from Harding College and with a Master of Arts degree in 1977 majoring in ministry from the Harding Graduate School. His career in full-time ministry spans thirty-three years while preaching in Tennessee, Texas, and New Mexico. Joe married his wife, Dian, whom he met while at Harding College in 1974. Together they have a beautiful family of three children and three grandchildren. Joe has been serving as an shepherd at the Oliver Creek Church since November 2019. We are so blessed with his wisdom, love for ministers, and for his tireless shepherding of the people of Oliver Creek!


Keith Fussell

Keith and Kim have been members at Oliver Creek since 2010, and he has been a shepherd since about 2012. Keith and Kim have three adult children and one granddaughter. Keith’s career has been split between ministry and counseling. He is currently practicing with Christian Counseling Center of Bartlett, LLC and specializes in marriage and family therapy. Keith and Kim enjoy bicycling, singing with the Bartlett Area Chorus and spending time with family and church family.


Jeff Dodson

Jeff and Dawne are both Memphis natives and have been together since high school. They have been married over 30 years and have one amazing daughter, Caroline. They have been at Oliver Creek since 2011, and Dawne has been the secretary since 2015. Jeff has been a youth deacon for 25 years, and a deacon over audio/visual ministry for 15 years. Jeff became an elder in 2022 and will continue to focus on shepherding the youth and youth ministers, while also serving his entire church family.
