Where people are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

At Oliver Creek our mission is to be a church where people are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ

We see Jesus in every single book of Scripture, and we believe God’s plan from the distant past and into the eternal future is centered on transformation through Christ.

What does it mean to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ? It means we're made into people who glorify God, love one another, and bless the world

We glorify God.

The only proper response to the glorious Creator is worship. As Christians, we seek to glorify God in all we do. One way we do that is through our corporate worship gatherings together.

However, our worship is not limited to certain times during the week. Our lives should overflow with worship (Rom. 12:1-2). We glorify God by being disciples of Jesus Christ, His Son (John 15:8). Check out our Rooted ministry to see how to deepen your discipleship to Jesus.

We love one another.

Jesus said the distinguishing mark of his followers should be love for one another (John 13:34-35). The command to love occurs all throughout the New Testament (cf. Rom. 12:9-10; 1 Peter 4:8; 1 John 4:11). The church was designed to be a family–a multi-generational, multi-ethnic family–which loves and cares for one another in this world. In addition to the warmth you'll experience in our worship gatherings, we also seek to form smaller groups for intimate family connection through our Bible study environments and Bless Groups.

Creek Kids

Our kids are one of the most life-giving parts of Oliver Creek. They inspire us to love, lead, and serve others.


OC Students

OC Students is a place for 7th-12th graders to find belonging, encounter God, and be transformed into the image of Jesus.

Our Current Series: For Such a Time As This – The Politics of Jesus


“At Oliver Creek I have found rest from past church hurt, a family that truly loves me and wants the best for my life, and a group of people centered around Jesus and pushing me to follow him in all that I do. I simply couldn’t be more grateful for OC.”

Oliver Creek Member

Come Meet Us!

8313 US-70, Bartlett, TN 38002

Worship Service: Sunday 10:15 AM

Bible Study:
Sunday 9:00 AM Wednesday 1:00 PM | 6:30 PM

Office Hours:
Monday-Wednesday, Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Phone: (901) 388-2250

Email: office@olivercreek.org